The best brands of Three-Phase Differential Switches

The best brands of Three-Phase Differential Switches

Welcome to the specialized online store for RCDs, where you will find one of our products, the three-phase RCDs.

Here is a comparative table of the best brands of three-phase differential switches:

What are the best brands of Three-Phase Differential Switches?


Operation of three-phase switches

In the single phase, both the neutral and the neutral have a winding each wound on the same core as they are equal and are in counter-phase, the electromagnetic generated is zero and the output on the secondary (third winding) is zero.

The same happens in the three-phase there are 4 windings (3 phases and neutral).
With neutral the vector sum of the field generated by the three phases and the neutral is zero when there is no leakage.
Without neutral the vector sum of the field generated by the three phases is zero when there is no leakage.

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Interruptores Diferenciales
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